

来源:CBTC中比科技园| 发布时间:2021-02-23


欧洲企业高度重视中国市场,随着中欧全面投资协定(EU & China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment)谈判的完成,欧洲企业有望在电动汽车、电子科技、公共卫生、环境保护等领域迎来更多投资机遇,加快其进入中国消费市场。

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EU SME Center欧盟中小企业中心(https://www.eusmecentre.org.cn/)是欧盟资助的一个项目,致力于为欧洲中小企业提供全面而实用的支持,如开拓中国市场,涵盖信息支持、市场调查,法律法规咨询等服务,并组织培训以及商务交流活动。同时中心也在欧盟各成员国、政府组织及中小企业服务商之间建立便利化的合作平台。

CBTC中比科技园项目自建立之初,就致力于扮演 “欧洲招商专家”,“园区运营行家”,“企业跨境运营管家”的多重角色,并依托其独居特色和优势的“全生命周期一站式服务平台”,为中国和欧洲高科技企业提供高效率、低成本的国际合作解决方案,降低跨境经营的风险。

在此合作背景下,欧盟中小企业中心(EU SME Center)和CBTC科技园(China Belgium Technology Center)签订合作备忘录,依托双方的资源平台及竞争优势,进一步为欧洲企业进入中国市场提供全方位且高效的服务。

2021年1月29日,联投欧洲科技投资有限公司(CBTC科技园)与欧盟中小企业中心(EU SME Center)签署了合作备忘录,以加强双方未来在中国、欧洲和COSME(欧盟中小企业竞争计划)参与国开展涉华商务活动的合作。

On 29 January 2021, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between United Investment Europe and the EU SME Centre to strengthen future cooperation between the two sides on China related business activities in China, Europe and COSME participating countries.


The aim is to cooperate on the design and implementation of joint activities to increase synergies with other EU initiatives, contributing to the common goal of supporting target SMEs interested in doing business in China. Special focus is placed on increasing the presence and development of EU SME’s business activities in the second and third tier cities in China as well as to promote the advocacy to maintain and develop government relations.


If you are a business support organisation in EU or a COSME country and have affiliated companies interested in the Chinese market, please contact our Deputy Head of Service Department (lixia.xing@uieurope.com) to obtain further information about partnerships and collaborations.


About the EU SME Centre

位于北京的欧盟中小企业中心(EU SME Center)为欧洲中小企业提供全面的实践支持服务,帮助他们在中国开展业务做好准备。该中心由欧盟资助,并由五个合作伙伴组成的联合体共同推进——中国意大利商会、中英商会、丹麦在华商会、欧洲商会和欧盟在华商会。

The EU SME Centre in Beijing provides a comprehensive range of hands-on support services to European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), getting them ready to do business in China. The Centre is funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium of five partners - the ChinaItaly Chamber of Commerce in China, the China-Britain Business Council, the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China, the EUROCHAMBRES, and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.


To learn more about the Centre, visit the website 



About Us


Located in Belgium, it is the first comprehensive science and technology park invested by China in Europe. The CBTC has been conceived as a platform for Chinese enterprises to enter Europe while helping European companies’ market entry in China. Its objective is to facilitate the cooperation between Chinese and EU high-tech companies.